Never caught dead in flats.
Your style is really daring—is there anything you would never be caught wearing?
Flats, anywhere outside of Disneyland or a gym!
Ladies and gentlemen of the world, He would like to formally propose to Sophia. Will you marry He? Yes? Ok, perfect, it's settled then. Mrs Sophia Amoruso He.
This is exactly what it takes, for all you other people out there, the ones wearing flats and complaining your feet hurt, or that FbyHe is too mean, "you can't wear heels all the time, blah blah blah." HE IS RIGHT, YOU ARE WRONG. You don't get to be the founder of Nasty Gal by wearing flats. It doesn't happen. You don't get anywhere in flats, heels, high heels are what get people's attention, they change the world, they make you a power player. What He has been breaching since day one of this blog is FACT. Take it or leave it, doesn't matter. Sophia and He will be enjoying our honeymoon.
P.S. Read full interview here.
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