HottHe of the Week...Aleksandra

So He had this one picture ready to go as the headliner for Aleksandra, and then she hit He with this newest post and He almost fell off He's chair. That back is a heart breaker. Not sure where in the hell, Aleksandra is wearing that dress too, but He needs an invite right now. Not to offend any other HottHe's but with these latest pictures, Aleksandra could have moved into top contention for one of He's favorite HottHes ever.

How would you describe your style? I usually play around with my style a lot. It's always interesting to try different looks, especially for photo shoots. I can be in love with feminine dresses and classic heels and then completely change my mind and go for a rock chick look. It mainly depends on my mood and especially when inspiration strikes.

Favorite item you own? My current favourite item is a multilayered Petticoat that I got from American Apparel. It's black and it's stunning! I haven't worn it yet but it's still my favourite and I am just dying to use it for a very unusual photo shoot quite soon :)

Who are your favorite designers? It's always difficult with favourite designers because I can't say that I have one. Obviously I do find some designers quite inspirational, as for example Tom Ford. But it's always much more interesting for me to experiment with clothing from London high streets and make it look cool.

HE Needs More HottHes? Non-Bloggers and Bloggers wanted, please be Hot and Stylish and most importantly He Approved. Send your name, facebook link, and where you are from to or Add He as a Facebook Friend.

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