Yoga Pants Being Banned in Schools?!?!

LOVELAND, Ohio -- Dozens of teens, including many honor students, were reprimanded this week for wearing yoga pants to Loveland High School. School administrators think the soft, clingy pants, which are popular among yoga practitioners, are too revealing for class, but students disagree. “I feel like if I wore jeans and a cute shirt, I’d be more distracting than what I’m wearing now,” Legg said. School officials declined to comment on camera, but the superintendent released a written statement. “We are committed to providing an appropriate educational environment while respecting the students’ freedom of expression,” said superintendent John Marschhausen. “The district will be reviewing the dress code policies and procedures that led to this event and will provide more defined expectations in the near future.” Until then, students don’t understand what the fuss is all about. “Being banned from yoga pants and telling us they’re revealing and unacceptable is just not right,” Legg said. “They go down to your legs; they cover everything.” 

This better be a one school thing, because He will not live in a country where these pants are not allowed.

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